In the event that a student is having adjustment issues to a typical school setting, is needing assistance such as home instruction/help with an electronic school program, the student is suspended from school for non-violent reasons, or the student simply needs a short term/medium term/long term educational placement for support, then look to us for a unique alternative academic option.
This new program offers a structured environment for students grades 3-12. The classroom is supervised by an Ohio Licensed Teacher/intervention specialist while the student completes the schoolwork from their own district or from our electronic curriculum supplemented by direct instruction!.
Our goal is to have the student complete their own academic work to receive credit for work done from their own school or home school criteria and to return on academic par. Students can stay in our program one day, one week, one month, one year, or as long as they need.
In addition, a student can be assessed by a licensed therapist and intensive or traditional counselling can be provided. Some students see therapists at our practice and some have "outside" therapists.
The therapist can also provide a complete psychological assessment and helpful intervention suggestions if needed.
We are school district and parent friendly. We work with many school districts and home school students.
We accept district placements, autism scholarship, Jon Peterson scholarship, and self pay.